Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office at (254) 632-4120 and we will provide it for you. These updated rates will go into effect with your September 2023 water bill.


Returned Check: $60

Transfer: $150

Disconnect/Reconnect: $120

Late Payment (after the 15th): $25


Standard Residential Service Rates

Monthly Minimum for residential service
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill:
Residential Service $/1,000 gal.:
1,001-9,999 $7.00 per thousand
10,000-19,999 $8.00 per thousand
20,000-29,999 $9.00 Per Thousand
30,000-39,999 $9.50 per thousand

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

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